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Escort Canada
City: Escort Toronto

Phone: +188823545501
outcall: yes
incall: yes

My name is Sasha. I'm an independent elite companion with an alluring gaze and a seductive smile, based out of Toronto. At 24 years old, standing at 5'8.5" and weighing 115 lbs, I have measurements of 34C(natural)-24-34. With my unique combination of a French and British background, I maintain an ostensible disposition of class, education, and beauty.

I maintain a naturally slim and slender physique wrapped up with long catwalk-model legs, soft skin, naturally full lips, captivating cognac coloured bedroom eyes and chic glossy dark hair. (currently medium length bob, and enjoy playing it up by wearing extensions sometimes) I'm a natural flirt and refreshingly real.

Since my start in modeling at the age of 17, I’ve developed a lavish and insatiable taste for fashion. My style can be described as elegant, timeless, and sophisticated-thhink Audrey Hepburn, or a model you'd find on the catwalk of Burberry or Michael Kors. Some of my favorite designers include Valentino, Tom Ford, and Versace. Clothing requests are welcomed, and I can personally guarantee that you will not be dissatisfied.

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